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Leaders Statistics
Remember, only your top 7 weeks count. 
aldelgreco Overall Statistics
Current Contest  My Ranking
Wojo's Picks 2020 29 out of 778
aldelgreco Week By Week Statistics
Week # My Picks My Score  High Score 
1 7/15 (47%) 7  out of 15 13
2 8/14 (57%) 8  out of 14 11
3 12/15 (80%) 12  out of 15 13
4 9/12 (75%) 9  out of 12 11
5 4/9 (44%)
4  out of 9
6 5/9 (56%) 5  out of 9 9
7 7/13 (54%) 7  out of 13 10
8 5/8 (62%) 5  out of 8 8
Overall Score for Top 7 Weeks:  53 59
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